Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Conjuring

What a load of bullshit. This movie wanted to be every horror movie. Actually, it really wanted to be Friday the 13th the Series. Just skip this movie. Watch Friday the 13th the Series, if you want to see people go after artifacts and protect the world from spooky nonsense.

Also, these mofo's did not conjure up anything but a mad movie! Why the hell was it named The Conjuring. I am still trying to figure this out. Do any of you have a clue. If so, please please explain.

Friday the 13th the Sereis
You know I love Lilli Taylor but her ass could not save this movie. What a waste of a good actress. Ugh, I need to go wash this movie down with some Mystic Pizza.

Dear Diary #2

It's getting cold again. There are no signs of this cold weather in LA where celebs run around still in bikinis, bitches! I'm breaking out my jean jacket and cardigan. Truly, I am setting the bar for fashion. Right? Ha.

Anyway, I keeping myself warm by watching Halloween episodes of tons of shows. I am also watching my favorite genre of movies, HORROR! This is a fun experience. I recommend if you have the time and don't mind tv to check at some Halloween episodes of shows. Wiki has a pretty comprehensive list of shows. I loved watching Friday the 13th The Series' Hellowe'en episode. Wow. It had such tom foolery. There was a midget, bad acting, a crystal ball, a halloween party, and horrific dialogue. Ooo but just a blast to watch. It brought back all those memories of watching the show.

When I was little, I thought Micki one of the lead characters was just such a vixen. I also loved her remake of One Night in Bangkok.  Oh well, until next time Dear Diary.

Monday, October 7, 2013


Elysium makes me want to take helium and take away the time I sat through this wanting to be epic dog-pile. Take it from me stay away. Honestly, it would be better if someone farted in your face than watch Elysium.

Oh, why was Jodie Foster character even in this? Just so pointless.


So, I had this awesome thing going and effing Blogger screwed me over. I kept hitting save. MF was saved and then it disappeared. So, I can't be bothered with trying to rehash it. It was all about Silas.

VD is stepping up the game this season. The pilot was pretty much on point. Poor Bonnie. Seriously, she can't get a break. I use to be so annoyed with Bonnie. Her character really got on my tits. Gawd, I wanted her to just get over it. Then I realized, Bonnie has lost so much and no one gives a cent. The other characters are constantly like 'hey Bonnie, we need you to do this spell'. What's next. Grams is DEAD. Mom is a VAMPIRE. Mom is DEAD. Boyfriend is DEAD. Other boyfriend is DEAD. Dad is DEAD. Oh wait, Bonnie is DEAD.

I think last season we got to see Kat take Bonnie to knew places. It's a good look. Ditto to Paul Wesley's portrayal of Silas. It's pretty demented. It's what I imagine it's like to be at the top of the pyramid. Check it out:

Preview of upcoming episode:
 Elena is so damn annoying. Also, she is one stupid broad for dropping Damon and her next boyfriend being dude from Dancing with the Stars. He looks seriously fug and booooring.

Dear Diary #1

Honestly, I don't understand why I am not the greatest. I wonder if this is how Kanye feels.I'm underpaid, over it, and boobalicious. My genius is left for me to troll around on geocities and talk about 'how I miss My Secret Identity and The Real Ghostbusters'. No one gets it. So, I dance around in my room to Kano and write to you. You understand my ways. You get that my plus size body shouldn't be in the wears of what I can find at the local thrift store or from Ross where I can dress for less. It's tragic. Kanye must cry lonely tear drops in Gucci diamond glassware just like me. He is just like me you know? Stars are just like us! I to dream of flashing lights and making Kim suck my dick.

Thank you for listening, Diary. You are true friend.- Orvie